Sādu App Users Can Now See Trees Verified by Impact Tokens
How do I know the trees I earn are actually planted?
The connection between personal well-being and the health of the ecosystem is no longer just a concept tied to the promise of trees planted. Now, everyone can see the trees earned by Sādu app users with the GPS coordinates of an individual tree.
- Open the app navigate to the “Projects” tab.
- Select “Visit Website.”
- Wait a few moments for the web map to load.
- Then select the circle denoted 2K.
- Once selected orange teardrops will appear. Select a teardrop and scroll through the associated data.
Each tear drop is an Impact Token associated with trees earned in the Sādu app. Every token contains verification data including:
- A photo of the tree planted.
- Tree species.
- Name of and photo of the tree planter.
- Coordinates of the tree.
- Time and date the tree was verified.
- Unique Impact Token ID.
The data associated with each Impact Token is specific to the project Women Against Poverty in Tanzania and is collected and checked for authenticity by our Sustainability Partner, Greenstand.
“Women Against Poverty Tanzania, or WAP, is a community-based organization focused on the socioeconomic wellbeing of women and girls living in vulnerable conditions around Mdimini, Kidete, and Kibugumo, Tanzania. Their work includes sourcing school supplies for students, providing education on public health and environmental issues, and investing in local infrastructure projects. Their current mangrove restoration initiative, which includes the planting of 5000 mangrove saplings, employs about ⅔ women and ⅓ otherwise unemployed youth.
WAP’s vision is an agroforestry transformation in the developing world, resulting in a massive increase in the use of agroforestry on working landscapes by smallholder rural households that helps ensure security of food, nutrition, income, health, shelter and energy and a regenerative environment. Expanding our forest garden, WAP Tanzania focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation, including climate-smart agriculture (CSA), bioenergy, tree products and value chains.” — WAP, Greenstand
Data points on not just the tree but also the individual who planted it help convey the social and economic value of living trees. Additionally, the verification of the trees earned in the app improves transparency and provides a clear set of metrics that can be used to communicate the value of nature-based carbon removal solutions.
In addition to Greenstand, WeForest also displays the GPS coordinates and project information specific to the Brazil Atlantic Forest, of the trees earned by our app users. As our ecosystem grows, we will extend this verification process to other Sustainability Partners in Sādu.
The future of a healthy planet requires improving the level of transparency for every single tree earned on the Sādu. We look forward to connecting our community with each tree earned while offering new and creative ways to connect personal well-being with the health of the ecosystem. Download the app to save trees and invest into your personal well-being.